Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Final Paper Outline


Here's the work in process for the final paper:

1) Describe a particular aspect of culture (such as economics, popular culture, race, feminism, etc.) Describe how it plays out in your local community as well as inside your church community.

- Here I'm thinking I'll look at popular culture in terms of film and how it relates to youth culture. I think I would start from a place where perhaps I just ask young adults in my church and the young adult group of what they think are the most truthful, honest films, that depict the human condition. Perhaps a brief survey, which films and why?

2) Do one of these two: a) use a strategy from Bevans to express the gospel within the particular aspect of culture you discussed above; or b) use an approach inspired by Cobb to express what the Christian community might do/say in regard to this aspect of culture.

-In this step I would apply a step from Bevans and I'm thinking that I would use the translational model to say something to the effect of...here's how I read the film, here's how I put it in context with scripture...here's how I put scripture in context with the lives of young adults today....I think that it would probably work best if I based my film selections on the surveys of the young adults...so if they told me that their favorite film was Life Aquatic then perhaps I pull out some of the father/son themes in that film and explore it in terms of how those themes or the nature of that relationship relates to to scripture...God and Jesus...the idea of the prodigal son...etc...and then turn it in the translation model back to the context of the young adult.

3) What are some ways the church community might address the issue: a) in the church community itself, b) locally; c) globally. Specifically what activities need to occur?

-Honestly, I'm not as sure in this section...I think the initial issue is how do we engage the youth culture? In the church community, locally, and globally this means that we begin not only presenting and reading film but understanding what it means, perhaps through reading and making film, to step out while being part of community? How does film do this? It brings us together and engages us in dialogue.

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