Thursday, March 6, 2008

Week 8, Wednesday

I really enjoyed the discussion today. I think the production, texts, audiences, and everyday life circuit of culture model is very relevant. As we discussed how this relates to businesses and corporations targeting youth it raised some larger questions with me...I have less of a problem with businesses targeting youth and more of a problem with the beholden nature of big business. Specifically, how this might be reflected in the way we receive our news. How can we really have a free press when the stories are beholden to a larger corporation? If we're to apply this to a church model, when churches embrace the large corporate structure are they in danger of becoming overly beholden to the shareholders i.e. the deacons, elders, or congregation. Is there the freedom to proclaim the truth or do we risk watering everything down at the risk of offending the shareholders? I would argue that both the news media and church structures have to be held to a different standard. Perhaps there needs to be a regulatory force that can step in an enforce these untruths when they occur?

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