Thursday, February 7, 2008

Response to Aaron's blog Wednesday, Week 5

The commentary on Marx's knowledge or lack of knowledge of Christianity from class discussion also stuck out to me. I think that the Castro quote wasn't meant to mean that Marx never knew of the Sermon on the Mount. Castro uses the past tense saying Marx "would have" subscribed to the Sermon on the Mount because Marx was dead...not because Marx never knew of it. I appreciate your comments on how Marx was against religion as he saw it as an excuse to not work for justice in the here and now. I think that his hope was probably tied up in the government being the hope of the world. But I also wonder as a Catholic converting to Lutheran, where the Lutheran church dropped the ball? I haven't studied this very much but your comments seem to imply that the Lutheran church wasn't active in working for justice and I'm wondering how that was ties into the stance of the Lutheran church. Is this because church members thought the Kingdom wasn't here and now?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good response and good questions. I agree on your reading of the quote as well.