Sunday, February 10, 2008

Week 5, Barker, Chapter 9

I appreciated what Barker wrote about racism as he makes the claim that we have to understand why societies have an incapacity to live with difference. I see this is as fundamental in developing an approach to understanding racism. In regards to rap music and the new ghetto aesthetic, I think that what we've seen is artists responding to the major areas of struggle and conflict within their culture. I don't think gangsta films and gangsta rap serve as some sort of broad stroke representation of the entire community. Rather, these art forms provide a commentary on some of the major issues that plague the black community. Representation is key and Barker goes to great effort to highlight positive black representation with the Cosby Show and Oprah. I think what's interesting is that with this upcoming presidential election we have the opportunity for the first time to see what America's response is to the idea of a black candidate and perhaps gauge just how alive racism is in this country.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

" Rather, these art forms provide a commentary on some of the major issues that plague the black community. Representation is key and Barker goes to great effort to highlight positive black representation with the Cosby Show and Oprah."

Great engagement Chris.